Self image pictures and your clairvoyant ability

I’ve been looking at and thinking about self image pictures this week, notably having a clear view of oneself.

I started thinking about this energy, the themes and pictures around it, last week while exchanging readings with a fellow clairvoyant, a colleague and friend. There was an energy that came up in the reading: I saw pictures around old illusions cracking like the hall of mirrors in the famous scene from the Orson Welles 1947 film, ‘The Lady From Shanghai’.

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Creativity, Spiritual Artistry Kris Cahill Creativity, Spiritual Artistry Kris Cahill

Your spirit is an artist

The spirit of you has always been available for you in your life, even when you thought you were all alone.

Every time you took the time to really listen and check in with yourself, you could find this powerful part of you - your truest self - waiting and ready to assist you. If you already have a meditation practice, you’ve experienced how meditating helps you quiet down within yourself, so that you can hear your own wisdom.

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Clairvoyance, Creativity Kris Cahill Clairvoyance, Creativity Kris Cahill

Look for yourself in order to see

As an art student many years ago, I practiced the art of learning to see in a whole new way.

In my studio art classes, I learned how to use a view finder, which is basically a piece of paper with a hole cut out in it. It can be any size, small or large. You look through the hole that you cut, and the frame around the hole blocks out anything that isn’t what you are looking at. This helps you focus and see more clearly, maybe even discover new things or compositions you hadn’t seen or considered yet.

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Clairvoyance, Being Psychic Kris Cahill Clairvoyance, Being Psychic Kris Cahill

You are the book to read and the story to write

As a psychic teacher, people often ask me which books I read to learn about chakras, the aura, and psychic abilities.

I didn’t learn about these things from reading a book, so I offer my next best advice: ‘if you really want to learn about chakras and read auras, take the clairvoyant training’ I say. Yes, but which books, they ask, surely there have got to be books that will help me be psychic.

You already are psychic. It is helpful to know that you cannot learn how to give a psychic reading from a book.

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Clairvoyance, Being Psychic Kris Cahill Clairvoyance, Being Psychic Kris Cahill

Clairvoyance is not about predicting the future

The demand to predict the future is intense, and often invalidating.

When you require predictions from outside of you for what is going to happen in the future, you invalidate your own spirit’s ability to see, know, and most importantly, create. You give away your power to create your future. If you get stuck in believing that others outside of yourself have this power, they will gladly choose for you.

Each of us has dreams, desires, and wishes.

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Being Psychic, Clairvoyance Kris Cahill Being Psychic, Clairvoyance Kris Cahill

On making psychic predictions

Some psychics proudly proclaim their accuracy in making psychic predictions.

There is a great demand for predictions about the future, especially when everything is changing so rapidly that it's hard to keep up. People want to know what’s going to happen next, and when. Psychics are expected to predict the future, and this is what a lot of people think a psychic reading is supposed to be about.

Human beings fear the unknown because we cannot control it. For that matter, we have no control over what we already know, but that doesn't stop us from trying to exert all of that pointless control.

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Creativity, Clairvoyance Kris Cahill Creativity, Clairvoyance Kris Cahill

Are you using your imagination?

A child creates new realities through the art of play.

While spending long hours in her imagination, she invents never-before-heard-of scenarios, making up fantastic characters and universes as she goes. If a child is given toys that allow him to make it up as he goes along, so much the better. Whole worlds have been constructed with the sticks, stones, and mud found in the backyard.

A neighbor’s garden becomes a fairyland, and a scary tree is haunted. Children don’t need a lot of stuff to create, just some unscheduled time, space, and their imaginations will do.

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It takes nerve to work for peace

Do you have the nerve to demand peace from yourself?

People who have the desire to end their inner wars, will be on the front lines of peace. The fight for peace begins within each of us. When you declare a ceasefire within yourself, you bring a peaceful vibration with you everywhere you go. It can be that easy, and there’s no need to be in effort at all.

There is a catch. The hard part is that you actually have to do it. It’s easy to set new intentions, and another thing entirely to do whatever difficult soul searching work it takes to carry them out.

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Clairvoyance, Creativity Kris Cahill Clairvoyance, Creativity Kris Cahill

Creating a new world with curiosity, imagination, and clairvoyance

What do curiosity, imagination, and clairvoyance have to do with creating a new world? Only everything.

Curiosity asks, “I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where people get along with each other? A world at peace? That would be so nice.”.

Curiosity has a lot of questions to ask. Rather than blindly accepting that this is 'the way things are', curiosity creates a new possibility by asking questions.

Curiosity comes from within, from your spirit.

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Dream a brand new dream tonight

Today is a perfect day to begin dreaming a brand new dream, a beautiful grandiose dream, a dream that can change the whole future of humanity, dream.

When you give yourself full rein to dream, without effort or worry over whether your dreams can become real, you open up to the most prolific creative part of you - your spirit.

As you allow yourself to step into a world you imagine, your powerful spirit gets to work. Previously imagined blocks toward your dreams fall away - you can feel a good dream deeply in your body. Even if it’s not ‘real’ yet in your day to day world, it’s alive and real inside of you. It is your job to protect your dream, and to nurture it, own it, love it.

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Clairvoyance, Being Psychic Kris Cahill Clairvoyance, Being Psychic Kris Cahill

A psychic spills the beans about the power of clairvoyance

This is why I want the world to be able to see more clearly.

Simply put, clairvoyance is the ability to see energy clearly. It is a human ability, and is available to anyone who wants to have it for him or herself. The power of clairvoyance is in the seeing, which begins with deciding to look.

There are a few key elements to clairvoyance that are important to keep in mind, call them guidelines if you will.

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