You are the book to read and the story to write

As a psychic teacher, people often ask me which books I read to learn about chakras, the aura, and psychic abilities.

I didn’t learn about these things from reading a book, so I offer my next best advice: ‘if you really want to learn about chakras and read auras, take the clairvoyant training’ I say. Yes, but which books, they ask, surely there have got to be books that will help me be psychic.

You already are psychic. It is helpful to know that you cannot learn how to give a psychic reading from a book. You might become inspired about your abilities, or find some new information that works for you by reading a book. But a book will never replace a good teacher. They are two different things entirely.

I love books.

I am madly in love with books and have been this way since before I could read. Every time I’ve needed a book, it showed up. Even and especially when I had no idea how much I needed to read that book, it arrived. Currently I am reading 1 novel and 2 non-fiction books. There are dozens more titles in my to-be-read list, and several on hold at my online library, I am a certified bookworm - I’ve had my nose in a book my whole life. If you and I have a conversation, books may very well come up. I might suggest one to you or ask you what you’re reading and how you like it.

I am currently learning how to write books, and I will want people to read my books when they are ready to be out in the world. I will never tell you that you can become a brilliant psychic reader by reading my books or my blog. You might become inspired and decide to choose that path for yourself, you might find permission to write your own books or blog, and you could find an answer you’ve been looking for by reading my words, or the words of another.

None of the thousands of books I’ve read taught me how to become a clairvoyant reader.

I didn’t read books on chakras and auras to learn about them. I learned about chakras and the energy system by reading them directly. Turning on my clairvoyance helped me find the information I was seeking. I looked at a few of these books, but once I got into my training, I found it more interesting to look for myself.

When I started clairvoyant training, I had no interest in becoming a professional psychic - that wasn’t why I wanted to turn on my clairvoyance. I signed up because my spirit was drawn to it. It looked like magic to me, creative fun with spirit, and I wanted it. My entire self said a huge yes to this step. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. Within 6 months of the yearlong training, I started to really get why I was there. I decided at that point that I wanted to become a psychic teacher. I valued the training I was having, and knew it wouldn’t have been possible without good teachers.

If you’ve read books about chakras and the aura, and you want to learn more, learning how to see energy is one of the most powerful paths to doing so. The great value in having teachers along your path is receiving clear guidance and communication that is directed to you. A book might be useful in helping you look in the direction you want to go, but remember that no book can speak directly to you and your personal experience - for that you will want a real live teacher.

Your aura and chakras and energy system do not fit neatly into a nice little unchanging package - if you’re growing and changing and learning, all of that is changing as you do. Which means that your chakras do not line up to that well known color coded chakra chart. Your chakras could be completely different colors - today. And something new tomorrow, if there’s a lot of change and movement in your life. Your aura has a library of information about you for you to read. It’s as unique as you are, and also ever changing.

Being psychic is the art of your spirit.

You cannot learn how to play the piano by reading a book. You need a teacher, preferably a kind creative teacher with good communication skills to help you navigate through your musical training. Your piano teacher has an ear for music, a book doesn’t. Becoming a skilled musician takes time and practice and help from others who know how to do this.

Clairvoyance is an art form, your spirit is an artist. When you learn to see energy clearly, you develop a creative ability that doesn’t come to you from reading books. I am grateful to have had teachers who could teach me how to do this for myself, without needing me to do it how they did it. I became a psychic teacher because this art form of clairvoyance inspired and moved me to my core. The possibilities that exist once you can see clearly!

There have been countless books that helped me along my journey, and not one of them could teach me how to meditate, or how to safely become a psychic. I needed a teacher to learn how to do this, someone to hold that space for me to learn and look.

You are the book to read and write.

Words are magical. Words are life changing. Stories are life. I am grateful to the storytellers and authors, the performers, leaders, artists and musicians - to everyone who has found the courage to write and tell and create and share their world.

A clairvoyant picture is worth thousands and more words. When you find your own images and words, when you see yourself clearly, you can write your own story, instead of having it written for you. Nobody else can see your truth for you and know it the way that you can. Learning to see yourself and know your own energy gives you the power of authorship over your own story.

@Kris Cahill 2020

Kris Cahill

I am a Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium, as well as a psychic teacher, abstract painter, writer, and lover of colorful things. One of my favorite things is knowing that my spirit is an artist, and I can create myself.

Are you allowed to know your own truth?


You can learn to take control of your psychic abilities