Making your dreams real is an inside job


It’s important to understand that if you want to be seen in the spotlight, it isn’t the spotlight itself that makes you look good.

It’s not because of the spotlight that you shine. Your light comes from within you. Making your dreams real begins within you. The more comfortable you are with who you are, the easier it will be for you to stand out, and to step into the light.

The better you know and love yourself, the more you allow yourself the permission and space to simply be who you are, the simpler it will be for you to fearlessly step forward and be seen.

It’s not what’s coming in from the outside world that makes it real for you, but how you choose to be, from the inside out. The power is within you already: the power to decide to become conscious, to heal yourself, and give yourself permission to be one of a kind.

In other words, making it real is an inside job.

No matter what others may pressure you to be, if you are grounded within your own truth, it will be effortless for you to know what you need to do next. If your loyalty is to a group, to your family or friends, or to someone else’s way of seeing, you may want to spend some quality time and sort through yourself to see if you’ve been blindly loyal at the expense of your own truth.

If you’re afraid of being ostracized by the group for being yourself, you will hold yourself back from living your own life. Your life won’t belong to you, and you won’t be free. If you can’t be what others want you to be, be yourself instead. Find out what that is, and make it real by becoming it, with complete honesty.

You don’t get to blame anyone else when you hold yourself back. Take the time it takes to get to know the most important person in your space - yourself. Change the old rules, refuse to be held back by the limitations of others in your space.

Is it time to step up your game, to decide to free yourself of those old restrictions?

Let go of the rules that held you back, such as the need to make sense to everyone, be perfect, or live sensibly. As you’ve no doubt noticed, a lot of things do not make sense right now. We are moving to a new time in our evolution, and yes, we are evolving. It’s happening anyway, so you might as well come along.

If you’re not sure where to start, begin by asking yourself, what makes it real for you? What do you really want? Be honest with yourself, and you’ll never need to worry about what others think. By living your truth from within, you show the world how you see yourself. Own it for yourself, and others will see you that way too.

When you give yourself breathing room and space to Be, you’re aligned to what you Want. Suddenly you have a whole lot more permission to create your dreams. You’re no longer holding yourself back.

  • ©Kris Cahill
    ‘Morning Ant’ ©Karas Cahill

Kris Cahill

I am a Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium, as well as a psychic teacher, abstract painter, writer, and lover of colorful things. One of my favorite things is knowing that my spirit is an artist, and I can create myself.

With spirit there are no borders


Be an artist of change