You can learn to take control of your psychic abilities

Your psychic abilities are real and belong to you.

But what do you do with unwanted psychic information?

When you feel like you don’t have control over the energy and information coming into your awareness and space, you’re not the one in charge of your psychic abilities. It’s like having a beautiful car to drive, except that you never get to decide where you’re going. Something else, some other agenda, comes in to drive your energy, instead of you. Before you know it, you have a dent and a flat tire, and you didn’t even get to see what you wanted to see!

If being sensitive to energy feels like an unwelcome burden to you, rather than a magical creative way to live your life, you’re not the one in charge of your own abilities. Being sensitive is not a weakness, there is nothing wrong with you. You just haven’t yet learned how to work with what you have.

Sometimes people are afraid to tell anyone that they’re having psychic experiences. There is still a stigma that says that something is wrong with you if you have these, or that they’re not really real. This makes it hard for people to get validated for their experiences. They don’t want to open up about them, and end up suffering in silence.

How do you handle psychic revelations, information, and visions that you don’t want or that feel uncomfortable?

This includes feeling everyone else’s feelings and emotions, even when you don’t want to. Yes, you can feel them even when you isolate and keep yourself away from others. Energy isn’t stopped by time, walls, and rules - and if you’ve felt particularly sensitive and vulnerable to the energy of the world, it can be rough. No matter if you hide, when you are sensitive to energy, it can still get into your space.

This isn’t really about other people tossing their energy at you, although sometimes that happens. This is about you acknowledging that you have abilities, and you may not have control over them - just yet. It’s all about energy. When your own energy becomes more important in your space than other energies, you heal this for yourself.

The trick is to know which energy is yours and which isn’t. Your energy is unique. Your own energy within you will never hurt, endanger, or frighten you. Your energy heals and protects you. When your energy is within you, it feels wonderful. Energy, and your awareness of it, has everything to do with whether or not you have command over your psychic abilities.

Confessions of a former out of control healer.

Starting from the time I was a child, I was aware of and sensitive to everyone’s energy, mostly their pain. The problem was that I felt responsible for all of it, and thought it was up to me to heal it and fix it all. I definitely failed, though I collected a lot of people along the way who wanted me to heal them. I had no idea what I was doing, and probably would have argued with you if you’d told me. I had to get to the point where I was ready to see it for myself, and to take positive action, which is when it began to change.

Like magic, as soon as I declared to myself that I wanted help with this, it arrived in the form of people who knew how to talk to me about this. As soon as I knew it existed, I signed up for a magical class called Psychic Meditation, which gave me powerful tools that helped me start to see what I’d been doing, and how to change it to work for me. I was finally ready to learn how to heal myself, instead of running around giving my energy away to others.

You can use your abilities to heal yourself.

If you’re sensitive to the pain of others and want to help them feel better, you are a healer. But if you’re always in pain because your healing ability is being used to heal everyone except yourself, then it’s not really yours. It’s being used to try to help and heal and solve the pain of the world. If you’ve tried to help and heal others, and you end up feeling depleted and in pain, you have been giving away all of your beautiful energy, and replacing it with everyone’s pain. Not to mention that you’re probably invalidated too because you’re failing in your mission. It isn’t your job to heal the world, and you couldn’t do it if you tried. It’s your job to have and know yourself.

The great thing about healing is that we can each access our own ability to heal. Some people are drawn to healing as an art form. This is a psychic ability. The most important use of your spiritual and psychic abilities is to know, heal, and create - you. You become an even more powerful healer when you choose to heal yourself first.

Clairvoyance is another psychic ability that you possess. This is your ability to see energy clearly, and to create a vision, and is also one of the most fun abilities to have working for you in your life. You can use this one to see energy within you, around you, and also in other people. Energy is the stuff that makes up everything, and when you have the ability to see energy clearly turned on, your whole life becomes yours.

©Kris Cahill

Photo by Mitchell Luo on Unsplash

Kris Cahill

I am a Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium, as well as a psychic teacher, abstract painter, writer, and lover of colorful things. One of my favorite things is knowing that my spirit is an artist, and I can create myself.

You are the book to read and the story to write


Peace is more than an absence of war