Clairvoyance is not about predicting the future

The demand to predict the future is intense, and often invalidating.

When you require predictions from outside of you for what is going to happen in the future, you invalidate your own spirit’s ability to see, know, and most importantly, create. You give away your power to create your future. If you get stuck in believing that others outside of yourself have this power, they will gladly choose for you.

Each of us has dreams, desires, and wishes.

We clairvoyants call these ‘mockups’, as in what’s your mockup, ie; what do you want? The most powerful part of any mockup is the part about ‘what do you want?’. Not ‘what do you think you can have’ or even ‘what makes sense’, or ‘what does everyone else think is possible’. If you get caught up in allowing others to decide whether your wishes are valid, you’ll be stuck.

When you can see yourself having this thing you want, you have more power to create it. Your inherent clairvoyant ability makes it possible for you to imagine, to create pictures for your life. The most important part of doing this is always visualizing, imagining that you can have this thing, and then deciding you can. As a psychic teacher, I’ve taught thousands of people to make mockups for their own lives. It’s always so much fun for my students to watch their mockups come back to them. You have the power to create, and it comes from within you.

Spirit is powerful.

If you give up your spirit’s ability to dream, if you listen to pessimistic people, the ones who refer to themselves as ’realists’, and allow them to squash your deepest dream, wish, desire, you are also allowing them to predict your future for you. You are allowing others to tell you what’s possible.

I’m writing this in an important election year in the U.S.A., and this energy is strong. All the predictions, the fears that are lit up - ‘what if??’, get in the way of a powerful and very simple truth. If we dream big, and act on those dreams, show up, trust, believe, we can create a new future together. The pundits would like for all of us to go to sleep and let them decide. But that’s not what’s happening now. Wake up time is here, as in, it’s time to wake up and embrace your power to create.

The leaders who are standing out in the field are showing us pictures of what it is possible to have, so that we can imagine and dream together. This is not an intellectual exercise - it begins in spirit. We must imagine ourselves into a new way of being here on earth together.

Yes we can have healthcare that serves us all! Yes to quality education for everyone, yes to making conscious choices for our planet’s health, yes to treating all people as our fellow humans. Yes to helping each other, and a big yes to letting go of the old systems that do not serve the majority of humans and other life forms on earth.

Aren’t psychics supposed to predict the future?

Years ago, I saw a TV comedy sketch about this. The sketch was about 9/11 and the characters included a (now deceased) psychic who was very famous at the time, and a news reporter. In the sketch, the reporter is interviewing the psychic about 9/11, and ends up screaming at her, “didn’t you think that was important to tell us? To predict 9/11!”. She’s punishing the psychic for not making this prediction. It wasn’t funny, and actually very painful.

The rage coming from the reporter at the psychic is intense, and is saying two things here:

  1. being psychic is all about predicting the future (that particular psychic was famous for making predictions, granted, but she also said hello to spirit)

  2. because she didn’t warn the world about this event, she was a fraud.

It was a pretty uncomfortable sketch, and totally missed the point of what being psychic is all about. One thing I do know after 20 years of working this way is that being psychic is not about controlling the future, or even the present, not to mention the past. Being psychic is about saying hello to spirit, to energy. A conscious skillful psychic can see energy clearly, and work with / move energy. They cannot control the future, yours or anyone else’s.

On the other hand, when a psychic/medium sets themselves up by making claims of their accurate predictions, they are falling into this trap. If you are a psychic working in the world and do this, you’ll attract people who want someone, anyone, to be responsible for them. You can create situations in which people become dependent on you. If this isn’t your goal, rethink how you offer your services. Otherwise you’ll attract people who want you to become responsible for all of the things they don’t know how to heal for themselves.

You change the future every time you make a choice.

When you make a conscious choice, rather than an unconscious one, you change your future into something that looks more like you. You are always choosing, consciously or not. Listen to yourself the next time you say ‘I had no choice’ - did you really not have a choice? Or what were your choices?

There is always a choice. Granted, your choices become limited when you choose from unconsciousness, rather than consciousness. Sometimes being in the energy of ‘no choice’ makes you a victim. When you make a choice, you affect others who may make a choice of their own, based on yours. This changes the future. Every time a someone thinks for themselves, listens to that still small voice, looks for their own answers, the future changes.

Clairvoyance is an art form, a creative act. Predicting the future is basically uncreative. You are already a master at creating your future. No, you don’t have control over everything, but you can master control over yourself, which in and of itself is a neat trick.

  • ©Kris Cahill

  • Image @Unsplash

Kris Cahill

I am a Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium, as well as a psychic teacher, abstract painter, writer, and lover of colorful things. One of my favorite things is knowing that my spirit is an artist, and I can create myself.

What kind of energy runs through you, body and spirit?


Nobody said consciousness would be easy