Energy Awareness, Grounding Kris Cahill Energy Awareness, Grounding Kris Cahill

10 ways to protect your energy

Your energy is the most precious resource you have.

You're going to need plenty of your own energy to create what you want to have in your life. Every single thing you have or do or create, requires energy. Even the simplest everyday activities have an energy load.

You give and receive energy all day long. When you are conscious about the energies you allow into your space, and how you spend your own energy, you protect yourself. This makes it possible to have your energy work for you.

Here's a few suggestions for how you can protect your valuable energy.

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Energy Awareness, Grounding Kris Cahill Energy Awareness, Grounding Kris Cahill

What kind of energy runs through you, body and spirit?

Are you aware of the vibration of energy running through you right now?

Energy runs through you every day. One vibration of energy or another flows through you all day long. Sometimes you have several different energies at once vying for your attention, and your space.

Energy is everywhere: in other people, situations, news reports, school, work, nature, traffic. Everyone and everything is made of energy, and each of us has a unique vibration.

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Grounding, Know Yourself Kris Cahill Grounding, Know Yourself Kris Cahill

Hiding won’t help you get what you want

Hiding is a tactic, whether conscious or not, that prevents you from being seen.

If you want to create success for yourself, your business, creations, and other offerings, hiding doesn’t work. In order to attract what it is you want, you’ll need to step out of the shadows at some point and let others notice you. What’s more, you’ll have to say, “here I am!”. It takes a certain ownership of yourself, along with feeling safe enough to be seen, in order to stand out in the crowd.

Some species of insects, animals, and plants survive by blending into their environment. The idea is that if they don’t stand out too much, nobody will notice them or try to eat or otherwise interfere with them.

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Meditation, Grounding Kris Cahill Meditation, Grounding Kris Cahill

What can a daily meditation habit do for you?

If you are looking for one good habit to add to your life, try meditating regularly.

You’ll benefit in more ways than you might imagine from a daily meditation habit. A grounded meditation practice will help you to know who you are and where you are. If your daily routine has you going non-stop, while fueling yourself on caffeine, stress, guilt, worry, or some other toxic energy, your body and health will suffer.

You'll lose energy by treating yourself this way, and may find yourself in an ongoing state of fatigue. This will make it more difficult for you to create what you want.

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Grounding, Consciousness Kris Cahill Grounding, Consciousness Kris Cahill

Who or what are you trying to control?

Trying to control is key here, because that’s all you can really do with most beings and situations, try to have control.

When it comes down to it, you have no control over anything outside of yourself. It’s not your job to control anyone, though you may have agreed to do so. When you are doing this to others, you are also in their space, ie: invading them. When you try to control the actions of another, or the outcome of a situation, you are in danger of losing your own energy, and of forgetting that you have much more of an effect on the situation by staying in your own space.

Many of us have controlled in order to feel safe.

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Grounding, Meditation Kris Cahill Grounding, Meditation Kris Cahill

The first chakra: safety, stability and belonging

The first chakra is an energy center that contains information about being secure, stable, protected, and grounded.

Located against your spine at the tailbone, this is the chakra to ground to the earth when you sit down to meditate. A grounded first chakra helps you to feel safe, and when you are safe you can create, grow, and release any unwanted energy that’s been hanging around inside of you. Having permission to ground yourself gives you the freedom to be who you are, live how you want to live, have health on every level of being, and feel like you belong, no matter where on earth you are.

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Healing Yourself, Grounding Kris Cahill Healing Yourself, Grounding Kris Cahill

Emotional prosperity and well being

Emotional prosperity is about having permission to feel your own true emotions, without judging what you feel.

Happy emotions are fun to feel, and are seen as being superior to other more challenging and painful emotions. Sometimes we condemn our more difficult feelings as being bad, or as indicators that there is something wrong with us.

We might feel shame about them, as in "I shouldn't feel that way about __________, I'm ungrateful, unkind, or ungracious for feeling this way".

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Meditation, Grounding Kris Cahill Meditation, Grounding Kris Cahill

Your meditation practice can bring more fun into your life

Yes, meditation is fun!

If you're having fun, you're doing something right. Meditation is one of my favorite practices for bringing more fun into my life.

Is it fun to feel good? Do you enjoy being validated, feeling creative, energized and healthy, being able to decisively take action when you know you want to do so? Do you want to know more about who you are? All of this is about being able to find your own energy, and have your space. Personally speaking, I find all of this stuff fun.

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Spiritual Evolution, Grounding Kris Cahill Spiritual Evolution, Grounding Kris Cahill

Who (or what) is in charge of your prosperity?

Are you the one who defines your prosperity?

Prosperity is a spiritual energy, one that you can decide for yourself. What you create with your spirit, leads into the rest of your life. When you work consciously on creating your pictures of what prosperity means to you, instead of adopting other people’s opinions, fears, and beliefs, you’ll be less affected by the highs and lows of the marketplace.

When you face yourself, look honestly within, and decide what is true for you, it becomes easier to create what you want.

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Meditation, Grounding Kris Cahill Meditation, Grounding Kris Cahill

The space between notes allows music to be heard

It’s easier than ever to fill your daily schedule with a long list of tasks to accomplish before the day’s end.

It’s simpler than ever to fill up all the available space with more and more of everything: things to do, acquire, learn, know, accomplish.

In our modern culture, being busy is considered more desirable than having time off. If you’re busy, that’s good, right? It means you have more value, or are making more money, or are more important, doesn’t it?

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Grounding, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill Grounding, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill

When you speak the language of energy

Energy is a language you were born knowing how to speak.

The language of energy is one we all know, though each of us might have a different way of understanding what it means.

Each person has a unique perspective and experience. I have a different way of feeling, seeing, or knowing energy than you. It’s pointless to try to prove energy to anyone else, because of this uniqueness.

Trying to prove energy to someone is like trying to prove what you feel.

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Meditation, Grounding Kris Cahill Meditation, Grounding Kris Cahill

Meditation helps you to let go of the fears of others

Here’s another great reason to get your daily meditation practice on.

Being a human being is pretty intense. There is a lot to get through, every day.

Especially during times of great change and upheaval, the level of intensity increases. This time counts as one of those times. Spiritual evolution is upon us, in a great big wonderful juicy way. Being able to let go of what you can't control is a skill to have right now.

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