Energy Awareness, Consciousness Kris Cahill Energy Awareness, Consciousness Kris Cahill

Slow down your daily pace in order to live more fully

Do you pay attention to how fast you are expected to move through your daily life?

Depending on what is happening in your life right now, you are faced with demands to get more done in your day, every day. This means you're expected to move faster, never slow down or stop moving, and produce produce produce.

You are the one making some of those demands on yourself, and it could be that you're used to doing things this way. It is a positive thing to get a lot of stuff done, and some days it's the right answer.

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Consciousness, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill Consciousness, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill

How do you see your relationship to freedom?

You might see freedom as a way of living your life, perhaps as a goal with a desired outcome.

Freedom might equate having the peace of mind to know that you don’t have to worry about paying your bills. Some people see freedom as patriotism, and all of the ideas and pictures associated with that. Then there is the freedom to love who you choose, and to be safe where you live - the freedom to be who you are.

Others, more bleakly, see freedom as an impossible to achieve dream.

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Energy Awareness, Know Yourself Kris Cahill Energy Awareness, Know Yourself Kris Cahill

The world changed forever when you got here

As soon as you showed up, the world you live in became a different place.

Being very small at the time, you weren’t aware of what an enormous impact you were already having. You were too busy figuring out how to have a body.

Though you looked pretty harmless, you were already destroying everything in your path. In fact, your very first act upon arrival was to destroy what had been in existence before you got here.

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Energy Awareness, Know Yourself Kris Cahill Energy Awareness, Know Yourself Kris Cahill

On having your space in an ever changing world

It’s easy to lose perspective and space when going through times of great change.

Things seems to be moving faster every day, as if the planet itself is spinning more rapidly. Life on earth feels more intense these days, with brilliant miracles as well as big challenges showing up daily.

Because of all this intensity, we can get caught up in whatever is right in front of us more easily. This includes the latest news, someone else’s anger or problems or fears, politics, worries about jobs, money, relationships, and other issues that can take over.

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Healing Yourself, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill Healing Yourself, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill

What if life is a party and you’re invited?

If you want to enjoy the celebration of life, you must show up in person.

It’s hard to enjoy yourself at a party when you don’t feel well, or are grappling with major issues in your life.

You don't feel like being the life of any party when you don't feel good. You don't want to be around people at all, much less a lot of them in a social situation. Your first inclination is to go home, crawl into your bed, and stay there until the storm passes.

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How your spiritual agreements affect your everyday relationships

The most common questions any psychic is asked are about relationships: past, present, and future.

Though most people want a reading on their current romantic status, or lack thereof, there are many other relationships, as well as spiritual agreements, available to be seen.

These include one’s relationships with family, partners, lovers, friends, workmates, and any exes still in the picture.

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Consciousness, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill Consciousness, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill

The gift of a good attitude

The gift you bring with you every day, is you.

Your good attitude matters. Whatever you’ve been feeling or experiencing, literally comes with you.

If you’re happy, happiness comes along. If you are invalidated, sad, bored, unconscious, amused, joyful, neutral, judgmental… all of that comes with too. The vibration of energy you're carrying with you affects everyone around you, whether you know them or not.

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Consciousness, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill Consciousness, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill

The beauty of this moment

Everything possible unfolds right now. This moment is when it's all happening.

Some folks live in the past, in what they choose to remember as a happier, simpler time. Other people are caught up in trying to solve old problems, wounds, and invalidation.

The things that drag us back to the past include regrets, disappointments, dreams that died, old friendships and relationships, the way one looked when younger, the life unlived, the approval never given, the opportunities missed, the ‘if onlys’, and other things that are long gone.

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Consciousness, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill Consciousness, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill

The act of creating consciously begins with your energy

Your energy vibration has a lot to say about what you are able to create.

Consciously or not, your energy is set at one vibration or another right now. You might be vibrating at a happy peaceful energy, or you could be caught up in a more challenging vibe of fear, resistance, and pain.

A happy vibration of energy makes it easier for you to visualize what you want, and to know it’s possible to attain it.

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Grounding, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill Grounding, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill

Time Stopped: what Miss Havisham taught us about letting go

Miss Havisham is a character in Charles Dickens’ ‘Great Expectations’, famous for being jilted by her groom-to-be on their wedding day.

Havisham receives a telegram at 8:40am on the day in question, letting her know that her betrothed will not marry her. What does Havisham do after this rude rejection? She decides to stop time in that precise moment, 8:40am.

She chooses to continue to experience the humiliation of being left on her wedding day.

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Energy Awareness, Healing Yourself Kris Cahill Energy Awareness, Healing Yourself Kris Cahill

Let go of the lies that keep you small and hidden

This week’s self healing tip: if you believe something about yourself that makes you feel like hiding, find a way to let it go. It is not your truth.

Only you can let go of the lies that hold you back, but you will need to first face them directly. What is this lie telling you? Do you know who or where it came from? Does it have a face and/or voice behind it?

Maybe you believed something someone told you a long long time ago, almost out of memory’s reach, and you’re still holding onto it as if it were your present time truth. You might have used it, this lie you are holding onto, as a support or crutch, an excuse.

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Meditation, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill Meditation, Energy Awareness Kris Cahill

Silence and space in the middle of the noise

In this fast moving world, it's a challenge to find space in which to have silence.

Silence is so rare nowadays that when a city dweller goes somewhere quiet and rural, what is often noticed first is 'how quiet it is here'.

It’s amazing to become aware of the silence, and realize you haven’t heard silence for years. Yes, it is something to hear.

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