The peace in your heart becomes peace on earth

It isn’t all that difficult to create an atmosphere of peace on earth.

Each of us can do this, daily. When you and I carry the energy of peace along with us, we’re bringing healing energy wherever we go. This becomes a gift to whomever we see, whether we know them personally or not.

Not only that, but each of our individual loads is lighter as a result of choosing to carry peace along on our daily travels. This is because peaceful energy is a much lighter and brighter vibration than non-peaceful energy. Peace is a conscious energy.

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Know Yourself, Spiritual Agreements Kris Cahill Know Yourself, Spiritual Agreements Kris Cahill

Are you really who they say you are?

They’ve been doing it your whole life, letting you know who you are and how you fit in.

Are you really who, and how, others say you are? It’s not that anyone means you any harm by telling you these things. After all, you’ve probably done the same for others. It can be a great validation and comfort to be accepted into a group.

Belonging can help you feel safe, which is why it's so difficult to pull away from the group identity. You might even belong to a group you love to hate, yet can’t seem to step away from. You get sucked back in every time you try.

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Scarcity is a lie

Can you have for yourself the abundance that is true, everywhere, on this planet?

Does your definition of abundance include feeling well, having time to yourself, and having enough space to breathe and do as you please?

We’ve become used to equating value and abundance with how much money one has, but the truth is that having a lot of money doesn’t guarantee that you will feel abundant and prosperous. It doesn’t insure you against fear of the future, or make you happy.

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Healing Yourself, Spiritual Agreements Kris Cahill Healing Yourself, Spiritual Agreements Kris Cahill

Self healing begins with self love

This week’s healing tip: learn to give yourself the gifts of self-love, acceptance, and kindness, daily.

There is no healing substitute for self love. No other energy coming from anywhere or anyone is as powerful as the energy you give to yourself. Your attitude towards yourself matters.

You don’t have to prove it or earn it, but you deserve your own admiration and appreciation just for being alive. Especially if you are prone to bouts of self flagellation because you’ve made mistakes, or didn’t get enough items checked off your make-believe to do list, or somehow feel you’re not worthy.

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Spiritual Agreements, Consciousness Kris Cahill Spiritual Agreements, Consciousness Kris Cahill

The opportunity to grow and change is why you're here

You chose to have a body this lifetime in order to experience, grow, and change.

There is no mistake as to why you showed up now. You arrived on earth at a time of deep lasting spiritual evolution so that you'd have lots of room to grow. Even if you have no idea how you'll do this, don't worry! You already are.

We all change, whether we like it or not. Our bodies constantly change, and we all accept this as being normal. The attitude we have with the inevitable and natural changes within and around us, determines how we experience the growth we are having.

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What energy are you wearing today?

Today is another opportunity to get up, and then to wake up, and then to make a choice.

What are you choosing? How about this: what’s your energy for today? Will you find your own vibration, or will you match to the energy of others around you? In other words, will you decide consciously, or will you allow it to be decided for you? You get to choose.

Choosing the energy you’ll wear for the day ahead is about being conscious. Just as you already choose which clothes to wear, what colors, jewelry, shoes, coat, you can choose the energy.

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With spirit there are no borders

Can you imagine a day when human beings can learn to live together without needing to judge, divide, or exploit each other?

Perhaps on that day, we won’t need to compartmentalize each other. When we choose to work with spirit, value judgments won’t be made based on how much wealth a person has been able to amass, or on the color of his skin, the language she speaks, the way each chooses to dress.

We won’t make it our business to worry about the relationships people choose to have, and whether their choices pass judgment.

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Spiritual Agreements, Consciousness Kris Cahill Spiritual Agreements, Consciousness Kris Cahill

The fine art of free will

The choice you make in any situation will depend on the choices you see before you.

Yes, you do have free will, and are free to choose what you want, but what choices are on your menu? Sometimes you might believe you have no choice because none of the available options you see appeal to you. Remember that not choosing is also a choice.

What about the choices you can’t see?

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The truth and who gets to tell it

Whose truth are you following? Who do you believe? 

Do you need me to agree with what you believe? You might believe something is your truth, but that doesn't mean it's mine too. Is there room here for us to disagree, peacefully?

When a belief becomes The Truth, conflicts erupt. If your truth doesn't match the truth of another person, and there's no space for both truths to exist, what happens?

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Who owns your body?

My first fight with a doctor happened when I was 19 years old.

My mother took me to this doctor because I’d received a diagnosis of dysplasia, which is considered a pre-cancerous condition. An RN who worked at the University of Chicago hospital at the time, my mother rather predictably freaked out at my diagnosis, which is why I didn’t want to tell her in the first place. However, I was smart enough to know I needed her help with this, so I included her.

She chose a well respected specialist in gynecology at the U of C, and off we went.

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Social change is a consciousness issue

It may begin with a wish, a new picture for a better way of living.

Perhaps there is a deep desire to let go of the status quo, because it simply doesn’t work anymore. It’s time to get out of the way – here comes the future. It’s evolution, baby!

Revolution comes from within. Before any social change is created in the outer world, in the United States and abroad, it first of all begins within. True revolution is not imposed on us from some force ‘out there’. We create it; when we are ready for new growth and change, it comes easily.

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Sometimes the unraveling is the healing

When everything in your world seems to be unraveling, it’s not easy to see how healing is taking place.

If you’ve held tightly onto what has been, to the things you thought were real, it’s even more painful when those things begin to fall apart.

It’s in the holding on tightly that you might have, unwittingly, held back the new growth. By holding onto what’s familiar to you, you make it difficult for that which needs to go away, to do so.

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