The peace in your heart becomes peace on earth

It isn’t all that difficult to create an atmosphere of peace on earth.

Each of us can do this, daily. When you and I carry the energy of peace along with us, we’re bringing healing energy wherever we go. This becomes a gift to whomever we see, whether we know them personally or not.

Not only that, but each of our individual loads is lighter as a result of choosing to carry peace along on our daily travels. This is because peaceful energy is a much lighter and brighter vibration than non-peaceful energy. Peace is a conscious energy. When you choose to carry peace with you, no matter which vibration those around you are choosing, you are being conscious.

Many people already do this.

Those who show up with a good attitude, ready to give of themselves, to say hello to others, those who are happy to be alive, and grateful for the many gifts of life – these are the healers. They don’t even have to say a word. Just by choosing to embody a peaceful happy energy, they give others permission and space to choose the same.

If you want to heal the planet and make a difference, consider that your real work might begin with healing yourself. By matching to the energy you want to see become real, you have more of an impact than if you’re running around trying to convince others that they need to wake up. You’re wasting your own energy when you judge and condemn them for not doing their work. It can be easier to spend your energy ‘helping’ others see the light instead of doing your own deep difficult work.

Many healers feel guilty about taking their own energy back for themselves.

Some of your spiritual agreements with others may need to be changed in order for you to move on and create something new. It can be difficult and disturbing to become consciously aware of what’s really going on in your relationships, because if you actually see what’s going on, you may have to make some big changes, and some people won’t like it.

It’s hard to un-see what you now see. Your conscious awareness becomes inconvenient for the status quo, and some of the old agreements may need to be destroyed. For example: the agreements that are changing all over the earth right now, many of them in this country. People are rising up to say, ‘this doesn’t work for me anymore’. People are waking up, and so we evolve, and our cultural ‘norms’ change.

What if peace were to become the status quo within you?

What if you decided that no matter what anyone else decided to become, you would become peace? You can still speak out about what you don’t like, and demand changes, but remember the changes go deeper and farther when you begin within you.

What old agreements do you have with yourself that need to go? Have you been at war within yourself? Do you speak kindly to yourself? The world we’ve created out there does begin with the one we have within. When you create a peaceful heart within, you help to create a peaceful world out there. In this time of big change and growth, I wish you peace in your heart, and love in your life.

Peace means far more than the opposite of war. -Fred Rogers

  • ©Kris Cahill
    Image at Unsplash

Kris Cahill

I am a Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium, as well as a psychic teacher, abstract painter, writer, and lover of colorful things. One of my favorite things is knowing that my spirit is an artist, and I can create myself.

The sounds of life


You create your world