The things that others cannot know for you

For your entire life you were taught to seek out those in the know: experts, teachers, authorities of all kinds.

This isn’t a bad thing to do – we all benefit from getting help when we need it, or having someone point us in the right direction to find what we need.

However, if you need someone else to give you permission to live your life the way you choose, and you’re over the age of 18, your ability to create for yourself is invalidated. If you need an authority to tell you what is possible, it will be hard for you to know your own answers, or to discover any of them on your own.

There are things you’ll want to take responsibility to know for yourself.

Science, in particular, has become a trusted authority in our present day society, a society in which empirical evidence reigns superior. But, the need for scientific evidence has stopped many people from being able to validate for themselves what they know, especially with their own bodies. People tend to forget that science is a creative and ever changing thing. Scientific facts and proof began their lives as theories, something someone was seeking.

A theory gets tested in many ways, and through testing, is either disproved or becomes a fact. Until another one comes along, thereby disproving the earlier fact. It’s easy to forget that facts change with spirit – as we evolve spiritually and see ourselves and our planet differently, so do the facts we look to as truth. In a capitalist system, one in which profit reigns supreme, corporations use scientific evidence to sell their products. This ‘evidence’ isn’t neutral, meaning it’s got an agenda. It is possible to skew any study to show your desired outcome.

So, what if all of the facts you know about your life and yourself are based on things others have told you, your whole entire life? You may coast along and live according to the rules set up for you, feeling pretty confident that it’s the right way to do things. It might even be working for you.

But what if it’s not and it doesn’t feel right?

All that expert energy coming in telling you the right way to do things can be invalidating when you want to see for yourself. Nobody can prove a thing to you if it doesn’t feel right. And try as you might, you cannot prove how you feel to others. You can describe, explain away, but only you will know exactly how you feel. You already know that if someone doesn’t believe you feel a certain way, or worse, couldn’t care less about how you feel about something, that you can’t make them understand.

‘The doctor said’ has many people deciding one way or the other what their best bet is, without looking for themselves. The funny thing is that once someone decides that a particular outcome is all that is possible, that is what they create for themselves. Many doctors and nurses know that patients who heal do so because they want to heal. Healing is not something that is forced on someone from the outside. All healing is self healing, a spiritual decision.

Yes, you want to have good health care providers when you need them. Preventive care is even better; good nutrition, exercise, meditation, massage, and so on. You have a lot of power to determine how you are going to heal and how you are going to feel.

This is where consciousness comes into play.

When you decide to become more conscious of your body, how it feels, what it is trying to tell you, what it needs, what your spirit wants, what your truth is, etc… living your life gets easier. You will know for yourself what you need to do. You will know who you want to help you.

If you are constantly expected to find an expert to get your answers from, you won’t be looking for them yourself. So, when do you get to be your own expert?

  • ©Kris Cahill

  • Image @Unsplash

Kris Cahill

I am a Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium, as well as a psychic teacher, abstract painter, writer, and lover of colorful things. One of my favorite things is knowing that my spirit is an artist, and I can create myself.

The healing power of gratitude


Follow your heart and you won’t be lost