When spirit becomes your daily companion, life changes for the better

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Learning to slow down to have more space.

I’ve always been a bit fiery and fast moving, and I'm not the most patient of souls sometimes. These are some of the things I'm working on adjusting for myself. I get stuff done, but it's more fun for me if I remember that what's most important is the spirit I bring along with me. I'd like to be operating more from a place of inner peace and relaxation, in other words, trust.

The days I rush through my morning daily practice, (meditation etc.) because I convince myself that I'm too busy or over scheduled, I feel it. There's less of me available to me somehow, on those days. I can't see the daily miracles happening around me. I forget what I have, I forget to be grateful. I lose perspective over something little and silly. The time I didn't spend on myself in the morning gets eaten up by other things throughout my day.

Learning how to give and receive a hello to spirit.

And so I've learned to make and take the time I need to bring my own spirit into my life, every day. Back before I thought much about spirit, I didn't realize I was already on my spiritual path. I felt and knew and intuited things I didn't validate for myself. I felt a longing for something I couldn't name. It seemed I had forgotten about something important.

I had. That something was my own spirit. With spirit comes spiritual abilities. Not everything can be neatly explained or proved or make sense, and that's perfect. As a result of bringing back my connection to my spirit, I have more space, energy, time, and access to my abilities. Projects I'm working on flow easier, which saves me a lot of time and effort.

Remembering to be present during conversations with people I appreciate and love, helps the communication feel more real, and somehow sweeter. As I became more conscious, situations in my life shifted and changed for the better. I realized there was more going on here than I'd thought, and that I had more power over what I created than I'd previously believed.

When I woke up to this reality for myself, and started to say hello to the spirit in and all around me, it became crystal clear that life wasn't just happening out there somewhere. There were things I could do to grow and become aware, and it was time to embrace those things, and begin. It was time to learn how to be me.

Fortunately for me, meditation is my friend, daily. Sitting down to be with myself, to breathe, ground, let go, and find my space again, is part of my daily self care regime. Meditation and the energy techniques I practice remind me that I can bring spirit along with me into the rest of my actions and activities for the day. Once I remember that, my happy attitude and perspective come along as well.

When you bring your spirit along with you every day, you change your experience of being alive.

You get to have a lot more fun being who you already are. As you become aware that you’re a spiritual being on a spiritual path, life changes for the better. When your consciousness about this kicks in, it’s a bit disturbing at first to realize that all of those things you thought were real, aren't.

Knowing that you are spirit in body does away with any old ways and excuses you might have used in the past. When you know it's up to you to do your own work, to be the one to let go and forgive, and to take responsibility for how you choose to see yourself - you stop looking around for someone else who will tell you exactly what you're supposed to do next. You realize it's up to you. Yikes. Now who's to blame?

©Kris Cahill

Image @Unsplash

Kris Cahill

I am a Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium, as well as a psychic teacher, abstract painter, writer, and lover of colorful things. One of my favorite things is knowing that my spirit is an artist, and I can create myself.


Being clairvoyant helps you see your value


Magic happens when you consciously direct your attention