Spiritual Agreements, Consciousness Kris Cahill Spiritual Agreements, Consciousness Kris Cahill

Communication in your relationships

‘If the two of you agree on everything, one of you is unnecessary.’ -Anonymous

What gives? Why are relationships, specifically the communication in your relationships, often complicated and challenging?

Why doesn’t this person understand what you are trying to say? Why don’t you get the point he or she is making? Why is it sometimes so difficult to be heard, as well as to speak out?

Sometimes communication can feel like hard work – as difficult as if you are each speaking a different language, and nobody is bothering to listen or understand.

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Spiritual Agreements, Know Yourself Kris Cahill Spiritual Agreements, Know Yourself Kris Cahill

Bringing your relationships into present time

One of the best ways to get your relationships with others into the present time, is to bring your relationship with yourself there first.

If you've been working with out of date pictures about who you are and what you are capable of becoming, having, and creating, it's time to clean those out.

Get conscious about what you've agreed to have for yourself in your relationships with others, and you change the whole game you’re playing.

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Know Yourself, Healing Yourself Kris Cahill Know Yourself, Healing Yourself Kris Cahill

Embrace the unwanted parts of yourself and find the real you

Try this: get dressed up and go call on your inner demons, the unwanted parts of you.

Invite them for tea and cookies, gluten free if you prefer. Say hello to your unwanted bits when they arrive, and ask them to sit down and join you for a friendly chat.

Be nice, especially if you’ve gone out of your way to avoid them in the past. You might not have felt like being seen with them before.

Give it a try now, it’s worth it. They have some useful things to tell you, so try to listen without judgment.

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