Your vibration of energy matters more than ever

You are made of energy, and your energy has a vibration.

You’re always vibrating at one energetic tone or another, and you’ve done so your whole life. Happiness, pain, fear, love, excitement, anticipation, peace, forgiveness, anger, invalidation, kindness. These are all vibrations of energy to which you can match or unmatch.

Consciousness and unconsciousness play a big part in this.

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Healing Yourself, Spiritual Agreements Kris Cahill Healing Yourself, Spiritual Agreements Kris Cahill

Self healing begins with self love

This week’s healing tip: learn to give yourself the gifts of self-love, acceptance, and kindness, daily.

There is no healing substitute for self love. No other energy coming from anywhere or anyone is as powerful as the energy you give to yourself. Your attitude towards yourself matters.

You don’t have to prove it or earn it, but you deserve your own admiration and appreciation just for being alive. Especially if you are prone to bouts of self flagellation because you’ve made mistakes, or didn’t get enough items checked off your make-believe to do list, or somehow feel you’re not worthy.

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Forgiveness leads to trust

What if you decide to forgive and let go? What if others do the same?

Simply by forgiving each other and especially our own selves, we go a long way to creating more trust in the world. Forgiveness is a big part of learning to trust.

If you forgive yourself, another person, or a group that hurt you, you free up your own energy and reclaim your power. This helps you regain trust for yourself, your choices, and life in general.

Perhaps you lost trust in yourself because you made a choice that wasn’t the best for you.

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