Psychic abilities are more fun to have when you feel safe

It’s not fun to be psychic if you don’t have control over your abilities.

When you can’t control how your psychic abilities are working, it can feel unsafe to be psychic. You might even feel like psychic abilities aren’t a positive creative thing to have in the first place. You could be finding yourself shrinking back, shutting down, or actively seeking safety through hiding. You might be wondering if there’s something wrong with your energy, when all along it’s because you are a sensitive, which is not a bad thing to be. It simply means you’re more sensitive to other energies, and you were born that way.

Energy sensitivity is normal, it’s what makes us human. These abilities are built into us, a sort of radar, if you will. We have many different ways to experience the world around us, which includes the people in that world. When one is very sensitive, it can manifest as being empathic, taking on everyone’s emotions and energy, and feeling responsible for them too. Sometimes this will get in the way of you having and enjoying your own innate sensitivity, and being able to develop it and use it for yourself in your life.

I’ve met many people who have their abilities turned on so strongly that it scares them. They are very sensitive, and their vibration is so high and sparkly that it attracts all kinds of energy wanting some attention. They don’t have control over their clairvoyant ability, and perhaps a few other abilities too, and it’s not fun at all to have these things turned on when you can’t control them.

Some of these people want to turn their psychic abilities off, while others look for ways to have control over them. Maybe you have experienced this yourself.

Sometimes it’s other people who are more frightened of our psychic abilities than we are.

Being psychic has many meanings, and has been defined, used, and misused in different ways for centuries. It’s been exploited, feared, punished, controlled, and misunderstood. We all have this baggage in our history - witch burnings, the vilification of people who believe differently than us, and unexplained phenomena chalked up to evil witchcraft and devil worshippers, along with plain old ignorance and superstition.

Beliefs based on fear and ignorance have been used to squash out those powerful abilities that we can use to see and know ourselves and our world, clearly. These kinds of fears and accusations occur to this day. Some religions continue to hold onto the claim that psychic abilities are sent by a dark force, or prove that one is bad or evil. The funny thing about this is that these same religions demand that their followers adhere to many beliefs that basically amount to magic and psychic abilities, except that these followers are not supposed to have them for themselves. Only the chosen can have them - which includes gods, deities, and priests.

The fun thing about having your abilities on and working cleanly for you is that you get to look at energy yourself, directly. Having your psychic abilities on for yourself means you're working with your own spirit. You don't need a middle man to do this. You can connect with spirit and know your own truth, not the ‘truths’ others demand you agree to know in order to be seen as a good or righteous person.

The ability to see, and to imagine, is how we create new worlds. Owning your psychic abilities for yourself makes it possible to do this.

So how do you go about having your psychic abilities working safely for you?

There are so many ways, and no one path is correct for everyone. Just as you would do if you wanted to develop other talents and interests you have, you can search out teachers you want to learn from. If you’re coming from a true place in yourself and honest about what you want on this path, that helps.

The path that was right for me was to join an intensive clairvoyant training at a school I “happened” to find just when I’d been walking around for over a year or so saying “I want to learn how to ground myself”. I knew that I wanted to have tools, but had no idea how much would be opened to me once I took that step. My entire world changed and opened up for me in a new way, allowing me to see the energies I couldn’t see before, and to start on the journey to finding myself at a deeper level of my own truth. Once I started on that path, it felt like coming home to a new level of me.

If you’re interested in taking your own clairvoyant journey, check out the Art of the Seer Academy. I am the director of the Art of the Seer training program, which is a clairvoyant training. It’s a beautiful adventure!

Kris Cahill

I am a Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium, as well as a psychic teacher, abstract painter, writer, and lover of colorful things. One of my favorite things is knowing that my spirit is an artist, and I can create myself.

Notes on Being a Professional Psychic Reader, part one


Planetary healing begins with you