I can see clearly now

Have you ever gone through a time when suddenly you can see what’s in front of you more clearly?

I’ll never forget the first time I saw through some of what had been making it difficult for me to see what was right in front of me.

I was in my 4th grade Catholic school classroom, sitting in the midst of an emotional battlefield happening between a nun and another child my age. It didn’t feel safe to be in a body in that room during this battle. But then I felt as if a filter that had been blocking my ability to see what was happening, suddenly lifted. I had a clear view of what was really going on in this game, with all the control present, and in that moment decided how I would play this for myself moving forward. The knowing that came along with this information was clear and healing for me. It freed me up to see things in a new way for myself, which helped me make life choices I am happy to have made. I’m grateful I was able to have my ability to see in that moment.

Over the years since that day, this sense of clarity, of seeing through an old filter or wall, has happened countless times in my life. In every case, the seeing allowed me to take a step, make a clear choice, and know for myself.

I know now, as an experienced clairvoyant reader and teacher, that in order to see those things that were right in front of me, I had to choose to see them.

One of my clairvoyant teachers said, “in order to see anything, you have to want to see it”. I didn’t understand this at the time, why would people not want to see? I wanted to see everything, didn’t I? And immediately I went into judgment about those who didn’t want to see. Years later, I realize how many things I wouldn’t, couldn’t, or didn’t want to see at the time.

In order to see, you must feel safe enough to even look. A good grounded clairvoyant training spends a lot of time teaching students about having safety and neutrality with what they are seeing. Without neutrality, ie; non-judgment, there is no seeing, no clairvoyance. When we go into judgment, make assumptions, or think we should see something a certain way, we are not being clairvoyant. We are judging.

There’s also those times we assume that others around us cannot wait for us to clue them into what we are seeing.

LOL. Much of the time, in my own hard won experience, other people have absolutely no interest in seeing what is right there if it doesn’t line up with what they think should be seen, acknowledged, or exist. I learned early that one is expected to never really look, and definitely don’t look too closely at any authority figure, religion, boss, or especially - oneself.

There was also a demand that I not communicate what I was seeing, ie; heal it, be unconscious to it, ‘don’t say anything if you can’t say something nice’. And, being born into a female body comes with a whole list of rules about what Girls Are Allowed To Say, especially to Boys. According to these rules, the voices belonging to the male bodies in the room are generally much more worth listening to, and of course they know more! This deep mistrust of the female voice, which includes female energy, knowing, vision, truth, and power is one of the things currently being debated on earth now, and especially in the USA, with women’s autonomy over their own bodies being legislated away.

Many people are in resistance to seeing clearly.

Seeing clearly is evolutionary, in that it brings change and new growth. It is necessary to look with fresh eyes, clairvoyance, if we want to change ourselves or our planet. When we continue to play our greatest hits over and over, no new pictures or vision can take place, ie; no new growth.

This is one of the most important reasons why representation matters. The world is big and rich and filled with diversity and color and music and different bodies and ways of living, loving, being, and thinking. To want everything around you to be one view because you are uncomfortable opening up your vision to see it all, is childish. Someone who cannot see the truth of how our differences are what we all chose when we chose to live on this earth, will not look at the truth of themselves either. They are just plain afraid to see outside of whatever rules they adhere to about What Can Be Seen and therefore is Real.

Clairvoyance as a human ability threatens the existence of bigotry in all its forms, whether that be from religion, non progressive ways of thinking, or any kind of hatred.

This planet is far more beautiful and fascinating and creative and healing than one tiny little view can express. You and I don’t have to meet or know each other to agree that we each have the right to be as we are on this earth. Non-judgment and acceptance of each other is how we each see more clearly.

I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind

It's gonna be a bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day
It's gonna be a bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day

©Jimmy Cliff

@Kris Cahill 2022

Photo by lucas wesney on Unsplash

Kris Cahill

I am a Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium, as well as a psychic teacher, abstract painter, writer, and lover of colorful things. One of my favorite things is knowing that my spirit is an artist, and I can create myself.


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