Having your clairvoyance turned on is living in full color

If you want to have a more colorful life, learn how to use your clairvoyant ability.

Clairvoyance is the spiritual ability to see energy clearly. You were born with this - it’s the ability to see more than what is just in front of you, or presented to you. Clairvoyance makes it possible for you to see deep into a situation or energy, including your own, and to see the truth that might not be visible otherwise.

To a skilled clairvoyant, color is energy, information, and a way to see into the heart of something. Color is one of the many tools a trained clairvoyant can use to see the spirit of a person or situation.

When you use it consciously, clairvoyance is a colorful way to learn about yourself and the world around you.

Seeing is believing.

Turn on and develop your clairvoyant ability, and your vision expands. The bandwidth of what you can see increases. As you become more skilled, you see a wider range of colors, images, and possibilities. It’s like having a full keyboard to play with rather than being limited to a few notes.

If you’ve felt like you were living in a black and white picture, or seeing the same tones over and over, it may be time to open yourself up to seeing in full color.

Judgement shuts down the ability to see.

One of the most valuable and understated effects of developing clairvoyance is that you are building the muscle of non-judgment. Judgments are taught consciously and not so consciously to each of us every minute of our lives. You have both judged and been judged relentlessly in your lifetime, often judging yourself more harshly than anyone else is doing. We were all taught to do this.

Judgment is exhausting. It’s fear based, and shuts down growth, vision, and creativity. The energy of judgment muddies your colors, until all you can see is mud. Judgment tells you that someone is a certain way because of how they look on the surface. If you believe judgment’s lies, you won’t see any further, and you’ll miss the opportunity to learn something new. Judgment starts wars, creates division, and fuels the flames of hatred and bigotry.

I’m not talking about clear discernment or making a conscious choice. A clear direct “no” can come from a clean non-judgmental place. The judgment I’m talking about is the kind that makes it impossible to see clearly. In order to see clairvoyantly, you must be in a space of non-judgment. This is a part of clairvoyance that is ever present, for one isn’t possible without the other.

Non-judgment is a brilliant muscle to build, and a ‘side effect’ of developing your clairvoyant skills. This world building tool is a peaceful skill to have.

Clairvoyance has long been misunderstood, underestimated, and feared.

One reason why this is so is that if you can see clearly, and especially see yourself, it’s difficult to control you or convince you to not look. In other words, once you see, it’s hard to unsee.

If you have the power to see the energy of whatever you’re facing, you can choose consciously. If you refuse to see, trusting others to tell you how it looks, you’re relinquishing your ability to see what’s happening. Your choices will be based on what others tell you, and it may not be true for you.

In order to see something, you have to want to see it. People have widely varying opinions about what they are seeing or even looking at! When you know how to see for yourself, you find the information you were looking for.

Every culture on earth uses color as information - as communication, symbol, and meaning. This is clairvoyance. If you can see the energy of things, your relationship to color changes, grows and expands. You can read color as information for yourself - outside of what someone else tells you it ‘should’ mean or represent.

The energy of color is magical fun.

Color is one of the main things that drew me to developing the art of clairvoyance for myself. As a lifelong artist, color has always been one of my favorite things. I feel and see and taste color in my daily life.

As a working clairvoyant, my relationship to color continues to open up and grow. It’s like opening up a new box of paint, looking at the colors and imagining the possibilities. Every time I give a reading, I see the colors of whoever I’m working with, and what those colors mean to them.

As a clairvoyant, I can consciously work with color inside of myself, in my own space and spirit. I use color to heal myself, to create, and to see. This is lovely fun!

©Kris Cahill

Kris Cahill is a working clairvoyant reader and teacher, an artist, writer, and spiritual activist. She teaches at the Art of the Seer Academy. Learn more about her readings and book a session at her website.

Kris Cahill

I am a Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium, as well as a psychic teacher, abstract painter, writer, and lover of colorful things. One of my favorite things is knowing that my spirit is an artist, and I can create myself.


What can you create when you say yes?


Being clairvoyant helps you see your value