When you show up to do the work


When you show up to do the work of becoming you, you put your energy back into yourself, and into your life.

This is when you invest in your own future, as well as your present. When you do this, you are able to perform miracles, such as healing yourself from events in your past that have lingered, places where you left parts of yourself behind.

When you release your energy from those places, you can have it back now, where it can really do some good for you. Only in the present moment do you create. The more of your energy you are able to have with you now, the more resources you have to create with. You have a valuable resource – your own true energy, which cannot be replaced by any other substance.

If you haven’t taken the time to know your own spirit, you might not know what you are missing, and how joyful your life can be.

Choose to invest time and energy in embellishing yourself, and your return will be far more than you ever expected or predicted. When you make the commitment to forgive, trust, and love – you, then is when you step away from anything or anyone who ever tried to make you feel that you weren’t worth it.

When you choose to dive in and become completely honest with yourself, rather than play the child, victim, or powerless one to forces outside of you, you create space for yourself that cannot be taken away. The only way you can lose that space is to give it up to other energies.

When you dive in and begin to get it, to really see – you! – you’ll be awestruck at your power. If you’ve believed that your power and value came from outside of yourself, you are in for a treat when you learn where they really come from. Look no further than your own true home – yourself.

  • ©Kris Cahill
    'Me and My Shadow' ©Kris Cahill

Kris Cahill

I am a Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium, as well as a psychic teacher, abstract painter, writer, and lover of colorful things. One of my favorite things is knowing that my spirit is an artist, and I can create myself.


Everything happens in the present time


What’s your body’s status update today?