What’s your body’s status update today?


If you asked your body right now to give you a status update, what would it say?

Would you hear something along the lines of ‘Happy today, feeling good with pretty toes!’, or perhaps more like ‘Tired sluggish blah want some more coffee or a nap’? If you haven’t given this matter much thought recently, or have the idea that it isn’t up to you, that it’s out of your control, you may want to sit up and take notice of your body.

Your body’s attitude and energy at any given moment has a lot to do with you, and you have enormous power to help and heal your own body. By communicating with your body, in a non-judgmental and loving way, you can gain great insight to what your body requires from you, what it wants, and how it is feeling. This makes it easier to create a healthy relationship with yourself, and to make good choices for you and your body.

Your body has great wisdom and insight.

If you can learn to listen, your body will teach you things you want to know. Your emotions, feelings, and senses, all live in the body. If you are constantly standing outside of your body, giving it orders, you will miss a golden opportunity to gain that knowledge stored only in the body.

Having a body helps you experience and have so much that you cannot have without one. It’s worth taking the time to become friends with yours. So, what’s your body’s status update?

©Kris Cahill
‘Pretty Toes’ ©iamkaras

Kris Cahill

I am a Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium, as well as a psychic teacher, abstract painter, writer, and lover of colorful things. One of my favorite things is knowing that my spirit is an artist, and I can create myself.


When you show up to do the work


Surrender to the healing gifts your spirit can bring