Your authenticity heals and transforms your world


What happens when you dive into the depths of yourself and find your authenticity?

When you get very honest about who you are right now, what changes for you? When you question what’s real and authentic for yourself, you choose to look deeper than the surface of things. You grow when you choose to follow your spirit’s truth. When you answer your own deepest questions truthfully, you’re willing to see clearly now, to drop your old illusions.

When you hold those illusions of yours up to the light and look without fear to see what’s true for you, and what’s not, you can choose more consciously and clearly. As you do this, the inaccurate self images you held onto for so long can finally fizzle out, their power to hold you in place – gone, just like that.

As you let go of the pictures that no longer serve you, the old undertow of energy that went with those self image pictures won’t be around anymore to drag you down, into despair, inaction, self doubt, unconsciousness, and negativity.

The fears, stress, and anxiety of the past will have moved on as well, because there’s nowhere for them to live anymore.

When you change your inner view, the outer view shifts rapidly.

That’s how it works. The filter that existed between you and your brilliance has gone away, once you decide to be your authentic self.

This doesn’t mean you won’t experience any more challenges in your life. When you step onto the path of self growth and consciousness, your work has just begun. You’ve changed, and everything around you shifts, and suddenly you might be wondering who you are. This is a great question. When you hit this one, you’ll know you’re on the right track.

Suddenly you might feel a lot more responsibility for the choices you make, and clearer about what those choices are.

It used to be so easy to fit into that mold you were given, even if it was uncomfortable at times. Those old pictures were passed down for generations, handed off to you, and then it became your turn take good care of them. Remember, if they worked for all of those people, they’re good enough for you, right?

Not so much anymore, not once you choose to become your authentic self. This is how spiritual evolution works, when new pictures and choices are created and chosen. When you choose your authenticity, it’s about you, not anyone else’s view, judgments, or personal choices. Don’t judge others for holding onto pictures that look inauthentic for them.

Doing your own work takes courage, and by being courageous you inspire others to do theirs.

  • ©Kris Cahill
    ‘Daisy’ ©Anna Langova at

Kris Cahill

I am a Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium, as well as a psychic teacher, abstract painter, writer, and lover of colorful things. One of my favorite things is knowing that my spirit is an artist, and I can create myself.

Psychic is an everyday way of being


Your daily practice allows you to focus, direct, and change your life