Creating new pictures for your life is a clairvoyant act


You might say that each of us is a camera.

The images you carry with you about your body, health, relationships, career, money, power, talents, value – are pictures you captured yourself, often unconsciously.

Some of them were given to you – pictures about culture, society, religion, class, race, gender, are found in every nook and cranny in your daily life. You created your own pictures too, often based on the pictures you were given.

A picture says considerably more than words can, and does so instantly. Captured in one image are the emotions, challenges, fears, joy, and possibilities inherently present in a situation. A picture has great power.

You put your energy into the pictures you have. Where you focus is where you create.

We’re living in a time of clairvoyance. Everything is about seeing and being seen, creating new pictures to live by. What you see, you can create. If you’re focusing on a positive self image picture, it will have a different effect on your life than if you focus on a negative one. What you create and your experience of it will change, as you are beginning from a different place.

Taking responsibility for your growth means taking a look at the pictures you’ve agreed to live by. Since you’re constantly living from pictures, it’s helpful to become conscious of which pictures determine what you’re able to create and have. How you see yourself and the world determines what you can create here.

If you can imagine the possibilities that can exist, even if they seem a long way off, you can create them.

Possibly you’ll find that the old pictures you’ve had, are no longer working. You might need to ask yourself some deep, tough questions about whose pictures have been running your life, and then make choices about whether to keep them or make up your own. It gets messy when you do this, so be sure to give yourself permission to destroy what’s not working. If you want to have your own Renaissance, it’s up to you to get it going.

‘Renaissance’ is a French word meaning “rebirth”, which about sums up where we’re at right now. This time in our evolution on this planet is about renewing, becoming conscious, releasing the old, and creating new pictures to live by.

“Between 1300 and 1600 the Western world was transformed. An extraordinary wave of artistic and cultural innovation shattered medieval society and brought European culture reluctantly into the modern era. This was the Renaissance.” ~Medici

What happened during that Renaissance? People began looking outside to the world around them. No longer content to just accept the teachings of the Church, they began to explore for themselves, to expand human knowledge.

The arts flourished; artists made incredible discoveries during this time. So did science and medicine, with earth shattering discoveries about the human body, the planet, the solar system. A new kind of freedom ruled, possibilities increased. So did upheavals; plagues, war, the burning of heretics.

Apparently this is how we humans have chosen to evolve. Lots of resistance to new ideas, over and over again. Fear and hatred of the new, the outsiders, those who are ‘not like us’. People with different names than us. Sound familiar?

We are living in a time when it's useful to turn on your own clairvoyant abilities, and to create new conscious pictures.

The 21st Century Renaissance brings a different kind of evolution. It is the time to go within, to make great discoveries about the worlds within ourselves.

When humans begin to gain greater command over their inner worlds, the outer world will change dramatically. This new Renaissance brings with it the opportunity to heal from the inside out, complete with dramatic changes in the arts, spiritual practices, scientific discoveries, human relationships, value systems, and too much more to name, as a result.

People will begin to validate and use their psychic abilities for themselves. What if, by doing all of this within, we can each help to create a world where peace, love, and a healthy planet are what’s real? This is a splendid new picture to live by.

©Kris Cahill
Image @Jeremy Yap on Unsplash

Kris Cahill

I am a Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium, as well as a psychic teacher, abstract painter, writer, and lover of colorful things. One of my favorite things is knowing that my spirit is an artist, and I can create myself.

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